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Choose from the wide option of Universities in Ukraine and set a great start to your journey of learning things!
Choose your dream career and study in your favourite university with the best abroad study consultancy. We help you to find your interest and choose a course that can develop your skills and find a career of your choice. We specialise in finding the course that will be apt for you, even if you aspire to study MBBS abroad. Choose your course, chase your dream!
According to the latest 2023 Jan rural health statistic report published by the Indian
Health Ministry there is a acute
shortage of specialists doctors that too a shortfall of nearly 80%.
The latest data shows there are about 91,000 MBBS seats in India and the number of students attempting NEET Exam is more than 20 Lakhs.
High fees for Private Colleges and Deemed University Seats
Starting from 9 Lakhs to more than 30 Lakhs is the tuition fees per year which makes it tougher for the average Income Indian families to opt
for a MBBS seat
even if they get a seat as per their NEET Ranking
Bigger Universities with bigger infrastructures, new technology used, small class size, USMLE & PLAB exam preparation, better living are also some other reasons why students go abroad for studying MBBS..
We focus on creating a greater future prospect for our students we equip them with the knowledge and all the necessary resources to choose the best abroad universities.
Choosing the best course and colleges is a time consuming process. We help you analyse the best abroad university, based on your preferences and choices.
We being one of the best education consultants in Kerala, help you to plan all the possible expenses including the tuition fees right from the start and help you draft a transparent payment chart.
Getting your student Visa and the documentation process for it is not an easy one. It is a time consuming and complicated process. Our team of experts helps you with all the necessary Visa documentation and travel arrangements easily
Arranging the loan amount at the right time can be tricky at times. Especially when every other process for studying abroad is verified and it’s in the monetary terms that you lack in. We help you in arranging educational loans from the best loan providers that align perfectly with your needs.
We are an overseas education consultant and We operate offices 24/7 abroad with Indian staffs for all your assistance begins receiving you from the airport and take care of you so that you don’t miss home.
We are the best overseas education consultants in Kerala that specialise in MBBS education. We provide you with the best education solutions in learning medicine and help you cater to all your abroad education needs.
The medical admission process abroad is different than the way it works in India.
Check your eligibility and shortlist colleges based on your preferences.
Complete the application & registration process to successfully apply to your shortlisted colleges.
Start your visa processing including legalisation of documents, visa stamping and document submission.
Manage your ticketing & travel and arrange for temporary and permanent accommodation abroad